UrbanX is proud to support two very talented streamers!

Mama Succubus
Mama_Succubus stands as a pillar within the South African streaming community, her fervent love for gaming resonating deeply with us at UrbanX. Frequently brimming with laughter, she delights in exploring a diverse range of games alongside her Twitch chat, fostering genuine connections with gamers across South Africa.
Check out Mama_Succubus here:
HolyMoses exudes an electrifying energy that illuminates any room, complemented by a voice that commands attention! With a fervent love for both music and gaming, you'll often find HolyMoses pouring his heart into song on his Twitch stream or indulging in gaming sessions with his devoted community.
Check out HolyMoses here:



UrbanX is partnered with these key players in the South African gaming industry

Mettlestate isn't just a gaming partner; they're Africa's ultimate gaming playground! As the biggest and most trusted name in the game, they're all about leveling up the esports and gaming scene. From epic tournaments to mind-blowing experiences that keep you glued to the seat, Mettlestate has it all. Whether you're a casual gamer looking to chill or a pro aiming for the top, there's a space for you in their awesome community. They're not just running competitions, they're crafting unforgettable gaming experiences, supercharging brands, and making waves in the industry. As the ultimate gaming partner, their partnership with UrbanX is a no-brainer. Bringing the best to gamers across South Africa.
Check out Mettlestate here:
Mettlestate Website
ZA Gaming Alliance (known as ZAGA) is a dynamic organisation dedicated to uniting gamers and esports enthusiasts across South Africa. Committed to fostering a vibrant gaming community, ZA Gaming Alliance provides a platform for players of all skill levels to connect and collaborate. UrbanX has partnered with ZA Gaming Alliance, and this collaboration is set to supercharge the online gaming scene by combining UrbanX's fibre services with ZAGA's dynamic community features. UrbanX subscribers can now look forward to a game-changing experience, complete with top-notch connectivity, promotions, and an array of gaming discussions and resources that will keep them in the epicentre of the gaming world.
Check out ZAGA here:
ATK Esports, established in 2018, has quickly become a powerhouse in African esports, renowned for Africa's premier ASUS ROG certified esports arena. The venue features 60 high-end gaming rigs, 8 racing simulators, a cozy cafe, and top-tier streaming and production facilities. ATK hosts top-tier esports teams and organises thrilling tournaments for prestigious brands like Mercedes-Benz, Red Bull, Puma, Corsair, and AMD. With notable events like the Mercedes-Benz League of Legends Championship series and the Tekken Dojo, ATK fosters a vibrant gaming community. Their international presence, including participation in the Commonwealth Games and FIA Motorsport Games, highlights their commitment to excellence. As partners, UrbanX and ATK share a passion for enhancing the South African gaming scene, offering seamless internet connectivity and cutting-edge esports experiences.
Check out ATK Esports here: